Quality is our Cedar Hill irrigation repair team calling card. It can be seen in the work we do, the parts we use and even in the conversations we have. We take quality seriously from the first moment we start our hiring process.
If a prospect doesn't present himself with quality as the number-one priority, we don't hire him. We don't hire people that do a “good” job or that consider a fast fix acceptable.
We offer all of the following services and more:
In our experience, Cedar Hill irrigation systems are more prone to pop-up head problems and rotor issues than anything else. There are several things that can cause this, dirt and other debris in the valve, cracking in the diaphragm or even an electrical short in the riser system.
When we visit we will clear out every pop-up head, clean and replace diaphragms and inspect each solenoid system. This type of service is very common, so common that we carry all of the major replacement parts on our trucks for fast repairs to systems.
While pop-up heads are common issues, we actually specialize in the harder to diagnose and repair issues like broken feed lines, poorly adjusted coverage loops and hidden leaks. We come equipped with the latest in underground water line detection equipment. This means we can find your lines quicker and diagnose hard to find leaks without excessive pilot hole digging. This saved time saves you money, and is one of the biggest differences between our Cedar Hill irrigation repair team and others in the area.